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MeetGeekBlogThe 5 Best Types of Check-In Questions for Meetings
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The 5 Best Types of Check-In Questions for Meetings


Are you a manager trying to find the best check-in questions for meetings? Read this before your next meeting!

Anastasia Muha
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Image Source: Drazen Zigic on Freepik

Check-in questions are among the best ways to connect with your team during meetings. We are currently experiencing a meeting culture where ‘Good, we’re all here, let’s start this meeting!’ simply won’t cut it. 

Read on to learn all the best check-in questions that will help you reinvent your meetings!

Why Use Check-In Questions In Your Meetings?

Check-in questions are an excellent way to ensure that all the participants in a meeting are actively engaged and on the same page. They provide an opportunity for everyone to share their thoughts and ideas.

Using check-in questions keeps your meetings organized and efficient, as check-ins can help to identify any areas of disagreement or confusion that you need to address. At the end of the day, the success of your meetings depends on how in sync your team is, and there is no better way to achieve this than to ask the right check-ins.

What Makes a Good Check-In Question?

Coming up with the perfect check-in question may sometimes prove tricky for any team leader. That’s why we compiled a list of dos and don’ts to help you successfully navigate your team meetings.

Check-In Dos

When crafting your check-ins, there are some general guidelines you need to follow:

A. Provide the necessary context

B. Keep questions open-ended

C. Keep it positive

D. Mix it up

Here’s what you need to do!

A. Provide the Necessary Context

To allow for productive conversations, provide a brief introduction about the topic and why it is important to address it before asking each question.


This will help the whole team understand the context and the relevance of the question, as well as allow for more detailed, focused conversations. 

Providing enough context during meetings takes time and energy that could be otherwise allocated toward overall meeting productivity. Why struggle with this when MeetGeek can do that for you?


Our virtual meeting assistant records, transcribes, analyzes, and summarizes all of your meetings so that all remote team members can be in the loop before your next meeting even begins!

Try MeetGeek for free to reinvent how you do meetings!

B. Keep Questions Open-Ended

Open-ended questions encourage team members to express their thoughts and feelings more freely while providing clearer insight into their current situation. 

These questions may include, “What has been your biggest success this week?” rather than closed-ended queries such as “How did this week go?”

C. Keep It Positive

It is crucial to maintain a positive tone. Avoid overly critical questions and instead, ask supportive ones. For instance, ask your team members what tangible progress they have made instead of asking about their mistakes.


This allows you to create a safe space in which team members can openly express themselves and feel heard.

D. Mix It Up

Rather than repeating yourself at every meeting, diversify your narrative. Ask a variety of questions to ensure everyone has the chance to share.


You can even assign team members the responsibility of coming up with check-in questions each meeting, and encourage them to think of interesting questions that will allow everyone to get to know each other better. Consider rotating who answers the check-ins each meeting to ensure everyone's voice is heard.

Image Source: garetsvisual on Freepik

Check-In Don'ts

There are a few things you should avoid at all costs when asking check-in questions, namely:

A. Put too much pressure on your team

B. Ask For Too Much

C. Forget to Respond

Let’s take a closer look at each of them!

A. Put Too Much Pressure On Your Team

When asking check-in questions during team meetings, it is important to avoid focusing exclusively on progress, as this adds unnecessary pressure on team members.

Instead, create an open dialogue that allows team members to express their thoughts, feelings, ideas, and concerns. Ask questions that encourage team members to share their successes, challenges, and any obstacles they are facing. Create an environment that fosters honesty and openness.


B. Ask For Too Much

Be mindful of the amount of information you are asking for. Try to limit yourself to only a few precise and pertinent questions to give everyone the opportunity to respond properly and keep the meeting on track. 

Give team members time to answer the questions in their own way. This way, you ensure their responses are meaningful and give them the opportunity to provide valuable feedback.

C. Forget to Respond

Acknowledge the answers you receive and reply to the messages or inquiries your team members send your way. Doing so will make them feel valued and appreciated, and can lead to better collaboration and team unity. 

Additionally, responding to check-in questions helps you identify potential areas of improvement, which in the long run, contributes to building strong and effective teams.

Types of Check-In Questions For Team Meetings

Different meetings require different types of check-in questions. These are the 5 types of questions you’ll need to ask, depending on the format of the meeting you’re having:

  1. Team meeting questions
  2. Project and progress questions
  3. Performance and development questions
  4. Experience and culture questions
  5. New employee check-in questions.

Feel free to mix and match them depending on the type of meeting you’re having. In the meantime, here are some examples of thoughtful check-in questions to help you gauge team morale and hit your meeting goals.


1. Team Meeting Questions

Asking check-in team meeting questions will help you build trust between team members and ensure that everyone will contribute meaningfully to achieving the meeting goals.

A. Team Check-In Questions

  • What is the #1 thing you want to accomplish today? 
  • What is the biggest challenge you are facing right now? 
  • How can we better collaborate as a team?
  • What is one thing you would like to celebrate? 
  • What can I do to help support you?

B. Team-Building Activities Questions

  • What can each of us do to ensure that we work together effectively as a team?  
  • How can we better communicate within the team? 
  • What is the toughest challenge we are facing as a team? 
  • What are the most important values for us to stick to?  
  • How can we ensure that everyone is heard and respected within the team? 
  • What is the most efficient way for us to work together? 
  • What can we do to make sure that everyone is contributing equally to the team? 
  • How can we help each other stay on track and accountable?

C. Questions for Remote Teams

  • How was everyone's weekend?
  • Are there any blockers preventing you from moving forward?
  • How do you manage your time to stay productive?
  • What tools/techniques do you use to stay organized?
  • How are you managing your workload lately?
  • What can we do to make sure everyone stays connected and engaged?

With so many teams working remotely, you have to go the extra mile to ensure you reach peak meeting productivity. With an AI meeting assistant like MeetGeek that automatically records, transcribes, analyzes, and summarizes all of your meetings, you’ll never have to worry about keeping track of your virtual meetings ever again!

Try MeetGeek for free to change how you do meetings!

D. Fun Check-In Questions

  • What did you enjoy most about this week?  
  • What new skills have you learned recently? 
  • What would you do differently if you had a do-over? 
  • What are you currently reading/listening/watching? 
  • What creative ideas have you been exploring?

2. Project and Progress Check-In

Constantly tracking your team’s progress can ensure any project’s continued success. The only way to do so is by making sure that your team members are effectively coordinating their efforts.

A. Daily Meeting Questions

  • What did you accomplish or work on since our last meeting? 
  • Are there any roadblocks we need to address? 
  • What tasks have you prioritized for today? 
  • Are there any changes we need to make to our current plan? 
  • Are there any obstacles we need to address before our next meeting?

B. Project Check-In Questions

  • Are you on track to meet your deadlines? 
  • Do you need any additional resources to complete the project on time? 
  • Are there any changes to the scope of the project that need to be discussed? 
  • What changes have been made to the project plan since the last check-in? 
  • What risks could derail the project moving forward?
  • Are there any areas where you require further training or guidance? 

C. One-on-One Meetings Questions

  • How can I help you reach your goals?
  • What is the most important thing for you to focus on right now?
  • What areas do you feel the most/least confident in?
  • What feedback have you received from other stakeholders?

3. Performance and Development Questions

Having a good team is impossible when its members can’t perform well. Without the right check-ins in place, it will be very hard to properly assess any areas for development.

A. Feedback Check-In Questions

  • What do you feel are your biggest areas for growth? 
  • What have you enjoyed most about your work the previous week/month? 
  • Are there any particular tasks you struggle with? 
  • How do you feel about the progress you have made on your current project? 
  • Are there any tasks you need help with or would like to delegate?


B. Coaching Check-In Questions

  • How do you stay focused on your goals? 
  • How do you build relationships and develop your network? 
  • What has been the most rewarding experience for you since we last spoke? 
  • How do you stay accountable to yourself and your goals? 
  • What actions have you taken to move closer to your goals? 

C. Growth and Development Questions

  • What could we do better to support your development?
  • What skills do you need to develop to reach your goals?
  • How did you improve your performance since joining the team?
  • What have you done to expand your knowledge of the industry?  
  • How can we assist you in reaching your career goals? 
  • How have you collaborated with other team members to drive growth?

4. Experience and Culture Questions

A positive environment boosts team productivity and ensures all members involved stay on top of their game for the entire duration of your projects.

A. Office Environment Check-In Questions

  • How was your commute to work today?
  • What are you most/least excited about at work? 
  • How can I make your day easier? 
  • What challenges are you facing at work?  
  • What do you need to make your workday more enjoyable?
Image Source: mego-studio on Freepik

B. Team Member Wellness Check-In Questions

  • How are you feeling today? 
  • What are your biggest stressors this week/month?  
  • How can we help you to manage your workload better? 
  • Are you feeling connected to the team and the work we’re doing?
  • How is your mental health? 
  • What do you need right now to feel better? 
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed by any of your responsibilities? 

C. Work-Life Balance Check-In Questions

  • What new strategies can we use to help manage work-life balance?  
  • How can we help you to reduce the stress of balancing work and home responsibilities?  
  • How can we help you further optimize my work-life balance?
  • Are you setting boundaries to nurture a good work-life balance?

5. New Employee Check-In Questions

Helping new employees feel welcome in your company and become a part of the team guarantees that they will succeed in their new role.

A. Onboarding Process Check-In Questions

  • What do you hope to achieve in this role? 
  • What challenges do you anticipate in your new role? 
  • What experience do you bring to the role? 
  • How do you prefer to be managed and communicated with? 
  • What questions do you have about your new position? 
  • What challenges did you face at your previous job?

B. First-Week Check-In Questions

  • How was your onboarding experience?
  • Did you have any difficulty learning the new technology or systems?
  • What challenges have you faced in the first few days?
  • What resources have been most useful to you so far?
  • How comfortable are you with our tools and processes?

C. First Month Check-In Questions

  • What challenges did you encounter in the first month? 
  • What have you enjoyed most about the role so far? 
  • What areas do you feel you need more training or support in? 
  • Do you feel you are making a valuable contribution to the team? 
  • Do you have any suggestions or feedback regarding the onboarding process so far? 
  • Are there any changes or adjustments you would like to be made to the role or team?

Upgrade Your Check-In Questions for Meetings Today! 

How you start your meetings ultimately dictates how productive your meetings are. If you want to boost team dynamics and achieve peak efficiency, you need to ace the check-in question game! 

And while you’re at it, try MeetGeek for free to get the most out of your team meetings!

Article updated on 
September 18, 2024
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